Akinsanya Lauds People’s Commitment to Fasting During Ramadan, Emphasises Need to Renew Faith

A Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) from Egbeda Ona-Ara Federal Constituency, Hon. Akinsanya Oluwasegun has congratulated all Muslim Faithful on the commencement of the Holy Month of Ramadan fasting which began on Monday.

Hon. Akinsanya in his Ramadan message highlighted the importance of the Holy Month of Ramadan as a month dedicated toward prayers, nobility, reflections and charity which helps to move even more closer to God.

Hon Akinsanya also acknowledged that though our people do observe fasting during this noble month however, he further implore them to also renew or strengthen their faith and stay committed to the will of Allah, so that we can benefit the good things in life and the hereafter.

“I pray for us all, the will and strength to fast, pray and stay holy through the Holy Month of Ramadan that forever remains filled with eternal rewards and Allah’s infinite blessings.

“Ramadan is a month dedicated for prayers, nobility, reflections and charity. A time to stay pious and move closer to Allah.

He also prayed for the grace and commitment to fast diligently during this Holy Month. He added that through prayers and better work ethics, Nigeria will be a better place for all citizens.

“May the Almighty Allah (SWT) continue to share his grace upon us all to live a better life with a strong believe that Nigeria will be a better place in the nearest future

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