FG Methanol Fuel Program Set to Generate 40m New Jobs in Two Years – Nnaji

Federal government has announced that its methanol fuel technology program is expected to generate more than 40 million new job opportunities for Nigerians within two years.

Chief Uche Nnaji, the Minister of Science, Innovation, and Technology, revealed in Abuja over the weekend that the government’s methanol economy initiative aims to tap into methanol’s extensive potential as a clean and sustainable energy source. This initiative aims to position Nigeria as a frontrunner in Africa’s energy transition.

“It can potentially create over 40 million new employment opportunities in two years and complement other efforts in curbing the effects of fuel subsidy removal on the populace,” Nnaji said.

It was stated by the minister that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration is firmly committed to using innovation in science and technology as a means to tackle Nigeria’s problems.

Moreover, he lamented the fact that, despite the nation’s wealth in natural resources, youth unemployment remains a daunting challenge, exacerbated by the country’s tendency to outsource jobs by importing products that could be made within its borders.

He said Nigeria’s abundant natural resources remained largely untapped, leading to the country importing items it could have capitalized on producing and exporting to bolster its economy.
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“We exported cocoa but imported chocolate. We exported groundnuts but imported peanut butter. We exported wood but imported toothpicks. We exported crude oil but imported petroleum products. This has reduced revenue generation, stagnated job creation, aggravated poverty in the country, and weakened our currency and the economy.”

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