FG to Grant Universities Full Autonomy

Professor Tahir Mamman, the minister of education, claims that the government is committed to launching a fresh, inventive method of paying tertiary education by giving universities the freedom to look for new revenue sources for their operations.

In Abuja yesterday, he made this statement during the Nigerian Annual Education Conference (NAEC), which has as its theme “Implementation of Education 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Nigeria.”

The conference, according to him, would cover new developments including finance for higher education, university autonomy, and the Students Loans Fund, all of which are exactly in line with President Bola Tinubu’s vision for the field.

Until the nation reaches all of the goals outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, according to him, and beyond to education-related indicators and aims of Agenda 2060 of the African Union, the conference’s theme will always be relevant.

“As a signatory to the SDG 2030 and AU Agenda 2060, Nigeria must continue to demonstrate its commitment to achieving these goals through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. The education sector is one of the line sectors that ensure that planning and budgeting in the country are within the framework of the SDGS,” he said.

The minister said, “In proposing and developing implementation strategies, also provide for mechanisms for constant monitoring and evaluation, to ensure goals are achieved.”

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