ISWAP, Boko Haram in State of Confusion, As Both Terrorist Groups Maintain Infighting in NorthEast

The Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWAP) and the Boko Haram are in a state of deep confusion and unrest as the two major groups are more focused on its infighting than attacking Military positions.

This is coming after all efforts by the ISIS envoy who recently visited the Lake Chad to reunite the two factions failed.

The table has turned against the ISWAP group with the Bakoura Buduma taken over notable enclaves of the ISWAP groups.

ISWAP are now seeking support from terror groups outside Nigeria to help it defeat the Buduma group. On the other hand, the Buduma groups are fortifying their camps and chasing out all the locals (Fishermen and farmers) to prepare against The ISWAP.

On the other hand Boko Haram from the Shekau Faction that were dislodged from Sambisa forest have now become full time Kidnappers.

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