LG Polls: APC Chairmanship Candidate, Alonge Condemns Attack on Physicality of Councillorship Candidate, Abeeb Saheed

In a recent development in Ibadan North East LG, Hon Tunde Alonge, the APC chairmanship candidate, has strongly condemned the destructive attack on the physical appearance and campaign banners of Hon Abeeb Saheed, a councillorship candidate representing Ward 2 in the local government.

“The act of vandalizing campaign materials and targeting someone based on his physical challenge is utterly unacceptable and goes against the spirit of fair competition and democracy,” stated Hon Tunde Alonge, expressing his disapproval of the incident.

Hon Alonge further emphasized the importance of focusing on qualities beyond physical challenges in political contests. “What matters in leadership is not just physicality but the strength of character, intelligence, and dedication to service. Hon Abeeb Saheed exemplifies these qualities and is loved by his constituents for his genuine commitment to their welfare.”

Hon Abeeb Saheed, despite physical limitations, has earned respect and support from the community due to his native intelligence and proven dedication to improving the lives of his constituents.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining civility and respect in political discourse, particularly during electoral campaigns. Hon Tunde Alonge urged all candidates and supporters to uphold the principles of fair competition and to focus on issues that truly matter to the electorate.

As the election date approaches, both Hon Tunde Alonge and Hon Abeeb Saheed remain committed to advancing their respective agendas and contributing positively to the development of Ibadan North East LG, with a shared vision of inclusive and effective governance.

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