Exactly two years ago, your Monday Morning Reflections debuted. Initially, it was intended solely to address a burning political issue of that moment. This I did. But the feedback received from the people changed a lot of things. To say the least, it was overwhelming, and well applauded. Hence, my decision to make it a weekly affair.
Two years down the line, which amount to one hundred and four (104) weeks, it is so exciting to say that about one hundred and ten editions have been produced consistently on weekly basis. No single break whatsoever! It’s the Lord’s doing! My profound gratitude to my audience. Thank you for the feedback, encouragements, pats on the back and compliments, not minding my amateurish style of presentation. You have indeed energized and sustained my little efforts so far.
I promise to continue to give my reflections, considerations, contemplations, ideas, impressions, meditations, observations, opinions and outcome of my ruminations on every topical issue that catches my attention and of course, your interest.
In retrospection, I hereby present to you in part, the very first edition of Monday Morning Reflections that came up in June, 2022. It was titled “Monday Morning Reflections on the life of the greed”
“They fraudulently rendered us inconsequential in our various Wards. They greedily diminished our influence at the Local Government level, and criminally too, they dwarfed us at the state level. It was in fact, the mother of all controversial congresses. They didn’t even stop at that, they robbed the people of their legitimate mandates at the just concluded primary elections. They mindlessly stole the gubernatorial ticket, and sold the senatorial tickets. The fourteen house of representatives tickets as well as the thirty-two state house of assembly tickets were doled out to their cronies on prices.
After ambushing and trampling on the people’s right to make their choices, they are now calling for reconciliation. Reconciliation my foot! The best option after you have been callously robbed of your possession is to escape and run for cover. This is exactly what we have done by moving out to a more secured and peaceful platform… The jagbajantis shall meet their political waterloo at the poll. Because they have stolen all, they are bound to lose all. The stolen mandates shall one day be returned to the rightful owners. By that time, the greed and avarice must have learnt their lessons in a bitter way. Then, the word of God shall resonate once again…”The Egyptians we see today, we shall see no more”
Conclusively, I take absolute responsibility for all the opinions expressed in all my write-ups including the errors that may be committed inadvertently.
Barka De Sallah!!!
B. Aderemi Ogundele (Jagunmolu)