Monday Reflections: Musing Over the Palliatives Palaver and the Shoddiness in its Sharing || Aderemi Ogundele

The issue of palliatives targeted at the poorest of the poor and the vulnerable in the society has left so many tongues wagging. Although, it is a direct intervention of the Federal Government aimed at cushioning the biting effect of the petrol subsidy removal, but the extent to which its objectives are being realized is questionable.

The program is not bad at all. It is not even a novel idea to Nigeria and the Nigerians. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was lockdown across the globe. Palliatives, especially of food items and monies came to the rescue. Nigerians enjoyed the privilege of palliatives then even though it was not perfect. Also,the advance countries of the world like the United States, United Kingdom, France and Italy did not lag behind in supporting their people with food items too.

It was a season when nobody was spared by that momentum of the global tragedy. Both the rich and the poor, as well as the low and the mighty were all affected. People’s lives and means of livelihoods were terribly threatened like never before. It was a season when the proverbial rich also cry was seriously at play. Everybody then suffered the heat. Therefore, the people needed some kind of succor from any source, be it governments, corporate organizations and well-to-do individuals to make ends meet. And the relief actually came.

Therefore, when the Federal Government announced the support of N5 Billion to each of the thirty-six States including Abuja for the purpose of carrying out this palliative intervention program, it was a welcome development. Though, it was said that the composition of the funds stands at 52% grants and 48% loan, but the beauty of it is that it was timely because people had been greatly impoverished.

Today, it is quite disheartening that the reports coming from across the States of the Federation are nothing to write home about. Aside for a couple of States like Borno and Kogi where the distribution processes have reportedly been going on relatively peaceful and orderly, it has been stories of chaos, anger and confusion in every other State.

In Lagos, for example, the distribution was said to be accompanied by chaos. In Oyo State, the story is not different. Quite significantly, it was far from making any reasonable impact in the lives of the people. Eye witnesses account that it was a kind of “Asebo keboje feast” meaning that the meals were actually consumed by the cooks before the arrival of the guests. Only the legends will understand what that means. Nevertheless, remnants were shared to a few lucky ones in order to fulfill all righteousness.

As we speak, Osun State Government has not even touched the less privileged people that deserve the palliatives. Not even with a little finger, not alone talk about ameliorating their suffering. The opposition party there, the APC are already accusing the government of possible diversion of funds or of attempting to keep it in perpetuity. There is a war of words going on between the two camps. But if the truth must be said, for crying out loud, how long should it take a responsive government to give unto the masses what belongs to the masses? Such is the degree of the complacent of the people who are in the position of authorities. “Bamu bamu la yo, awa o mo wipe ebi npa eni kan kan”.

Nigeria governments are full of absurdities, usually acting before putting up their thinking caps. How come they were going into the field targeting specifically the poorest of the poor without having reliable data. One would recall vividly that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the western world governments were seen supporting their people with reasonable quantity and quality of food items. The distribution was never carried out by their governors or any high ranking government officials, but rather by the volunteers commissioned to do it. People only wake up in the morning to see the packages delivered at their doorsteps. No physical contact whatsoever between the givers and the beneficiaries. There and then, it was a seamless exercise.

But here we are in Nigeria, using my State as an example, over fifteen highest ranking officials of the government were sometimes ago at different zones of the State distributing rice, maggi and salt. And if you cared to ask the people about the effectiveness of what actually took our leaders out of their offices in the city to the remotest parts of the State, they would score them very low. Why? Simply because the palliatives are more visible on the Social Media than in the hands of those who ought to be the ultimate beneficiaries.

They put up beautiful working papers detailing how the ad-hoc committee put in place to oversee the effective distributions of the items on Local Government basis should act. But alas, it ended being a mere abstract working paper. The implementation, to say the obvious is shoddy . The supposedly primary beneficiaries are out there groaning and lamenting. Where are the palliatives promised them by the Federal Government? They are not getting to the people but finding their final destinations in the kitchens of the palliathieves. This is the story of the food intervention program of the Federal Government.

The pertinent question to ask now is the desirability of the program? It is quite thoughtful and desirable in the short-term because people need support at this critical moment of the excruciating economic downturn. A great number of the citizenry are living below the poverty line. Inflammation rate has climbed beyond the ceiling. To this extent, any form of intervention that will bring succor to the people is desirable.

The Government has good intention but the implementation strategies are very defective. Therefore, the process of getting it done must be critically reviewed. One wonders if the Nigeria Population Commission in conjunction with the Nigeria Bureau of Statics actually have that important element of national planning by way of profiling the vulnerable and the poorest of the poor on Local Government basis as one of their core mandates.

But in the long-term, food palliatives are not the answer. Far from it. This is because palliative simply means a drug or medical treatment that relieves suffering without treating the cause of the suffering. In other word, a palliative is an action that is intended to make the effects of a problem less severe but does not actually solve the problem.

What the government should focus on right now is taking an holistic approach towards fixing the economy. The refineries for refining crude oil locally must be made to begin to function as soon as possible because the removal of fuel subsidy was the immediate course of the current economic crisis.

Secondly, issues concerning the power sector must equally be tackled frontally by the governments. Electricity plays a vital role in the economic developments of any nation. Therefore, no efforts must be spared in addressing it in order to achieve a profitable end sooner than later.

Also, the issue of fighting corruption must go beyond mere rhetorics. It is so endemic that it has permeated both the public and private sectors. For example, the issue of palliatives distribution we are talking about here is not effective because it is corruption ridden. All hands must be on deck to reduce the cankerworm called corruption even though, its absolute abolition may be somehow impossible.

Finally, Government must think outside the box to evolve policies that would lead us to economic prosperity. Any measures taken that may be causing pains, discomforts, lack and starvation to the people must not be allowed to linger more than necessary. Nigerians are running out of patience because palliatives, though still being shoddily shared cannot permanently address the prevailing economic mess in the land.

Happy Independence Anniversary Celebrations. Nigeria shall be great again.

Therefore, let’s keep hope alive!!!

B. Aderemi Ogundele

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