NNPP Applauds Atiku, Welcomes Merger of Opposition Parties to Oust APC

On Tuesday, the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) described as a welcome development a proposal mulled by former Vice President Atiku Abubakar that opposition parties merge to defeat the All Progressives Congress in the 2027 presidential election.

The leadership of NNPP says their doors are open for discussions on merger with any political party ahead of the 2027 general elections

The Acting National Chairman of the Party Mr. Abba Ali stated this at a news conference in a Abuja where he notes that opposition political parties forming a merger is a necessity to wrestle power from the ruling party, All progressives Congress (APC).

The NNPP national chairman is however silent on the terms and conditions of such merger and instead places emphasis on national interests as a foremost prerequisites

“Just recently, the former Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar was reported to have called for a merger of the opposition parties as a way of checkmating the inordinate drive of the ruling APC towards one party state and protecting our hard earned democracy.” Ali stated

“The NNPP sees this call from Atiku Abubakar as patriotic and a welcome development for which we must commend him.

“Our party note that this was the same old treaty which the opposition parties signed off in 2015 and vote, enable a merger that lead to the defeat of the ruling party PDP. To that extent, the NNPP is reiterrating its position that the former vice president latest call is a proposal we allowed wholeheartedly.” Ali concluded.

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