Obasanjo Supports Only People He Can Control, He’s Still Angry I left Him, Says Ex-Wife Taiwo

Estranged wife of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Taiwo, has angrily reacted to a disclaimer issued by the former leader, subtly questioning her mental health and declaring that though she gave birth to two children for him, she was not his wife.

She said; “My attention has been drawn to a statement credited to President Olusegun Obasanjo in which he called me an impostor and raised a lot of issues beneath his status, including telling the world that my mental health is questionable.

“For the records; I want the world to know that Chief Olusegun Obasanjo is the greatest impostor of all time, the liar, the deceiver who now equates himself to the Almighty God and who now arrogantly believes that he has the unchallengeable power of life and death and to render totally useless whoever tries to point out any error of his or doesn’t agree to any of his rigid almighty posture of methodology in handling issues.

“From a very poor humble beginning, God gave Daddy Obasanjo all that anyone could ever want in life, took him to the pinnacle in the Army and in the government of Nigeria.

“Since you left Dodan Barracks, you have been fighting all Presidents who came after you, seeing, talking, addressing them as no good. You have rubbished, abused, insulted, criticized, humiliated, fought, ridiculed every President who came to power. Are you the only ex – President we have in Nigeria? All our former Presidents, General Babangida, General Abdulsalami, General Yakubu Gowon, Dr Goodluck Jonathan etc they do not fight their children or wives nor ridicule people here and there in our nation. All our former Presidents in Nigeria comport themselves with dignity, they don’t fight nor rubbish every successive President we have like you do”, she stated.

“Once Daddy Obasanjo sees you as his perceived enemy who will not dance to his tune 100% he would go all out to destroy you. He would do all within his highly toxic evil network to destroy whoever offers a word of respectful caution to him.

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