Oyo: Agbaje Congratulates Tinubu on Independence Day Celebration, Urges Nigerian to Keep Faith

Barrister Akeem Agbaje has felicitated with the President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR and all Nigerians on the commemoration of yet another Independence Day. While congratulating the nation, he urged Nigerians not to give up on the Nigeria project and continue to keep faith that a greater Nigeria is imminent as the country would soon turn the corner for the better.

“I want to felicitate with our president, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR as he celebrates the nation’s independence as president. For Nigerians, I want us to keep the faith as we look forward to a greater future with hope. The past might have been disappointing and the present might be challenging but all hope is not lost if only we do not give up on the country and on ourselves. Nigeria needs us as much as we need her. We are the ones to build the nation through our unity, industry, nationalism, talent, skills and can-do spirit.

While I congratulate Mr. President, I also empathize with him because it takes courage and selflessness to confront these myriad of challenges. He has shown he is ready to solve the challenges and not paper over cracks. This audacity would go a long way in repositioning the nation for a greater future.”

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