PISE-P Enters Agreement with NIGCOMSAT, Plans to Establish Digital Hubs in Five South East States

As a component of its primary initiatives for the region, the Peace In South East Project (PISE-P) entered into a formal agreement on Thursday with the Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT). This agreement introduced a plan for the establishment of Community Enterprise Digital Hubs in each of the five states within the South East region.

The PISE-P, which is an undertaking by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Benjamin Okezie Kalu has been recently introduced in the South East area with the aim of advocating for peace and alternative non-violent methods of addressing the long-standing societal issues that trouble the people of the region.

In his keynote speech during the signing ceremony, the Deputy Speaker highlighted the objective of the initiative, which is to reduce the digital gap in different districts, particularly in remote and underserved regions, with a specific emphasis on the South East area. The intention is to bring attention to the importance of targeting these specific areas and addressing their digital needs.

He said: “The South East region, once considered a hub for entrepreneurial activities, is facing numerous socio-economic challenges currently. Rising unemployment, inflation, and security threats have hindered the region’s potential for growth. PISE-P recognizes the urgency to address these challenges, restore peace, and unlock the untapped potential within the region.

“Utilizing NIGCOMSAT’s state-of-the-art satellite technology, CEDIH will provide reliable and affordable connectivity, ensuring that residents in the South East gain access to vital services such as telemedicine, education, and financial solutions. By addressing the digital gap, this project promotes inclusion, reduces disparities, and contributes to enhanced healthcare and overall quality of life for residents in the South East. If this is not renewed hope, I wonder what it is.

“Today, we also have the privilege of unveiling the model of the hub, symbolizing the tangible progress we are making towards a more connected and prosperous South East. This model represents our devotion to creating a future where every individual, regardless of their location, has equal access to information, opportunities, and resources”.

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