Security: Arase Frowns at Pre-Trial Detention as US, UK Delegations Visits Police Commission

Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC) Dr. Solomon Arase said what Nigerians want is a responsible Police Force that will respect the human rights of the citizens.

Arase stated this in Abuja when delegations from the United States of America and the United Kingdom visited the Commission in Abuja.

In a statement, Arase noted that the Commission decided to set up the Compliance and Monitoring Unit to ensure that the rights of the citizens are protected and unprofessional Police Officers are sanctioned for misconduct. He told his visitors that the leadership of the Commission and the Police are united in the fight to stamp out human rights abuses in the Country.

The PSC Chairman assured his visitors that there would be no conflict between the Commission and the Police Management on the operations of the Compliance Monitoring Unit.

He however frowned at pre-trial detentions by the Police, noting that the Commission will no longer tolerate detentions beyond what the law provides for.

Meanwhile, the leader of the United States Delegation said they are in Nigeria to assist strengthen the rule of law and noted that PSC is a key stakeholder in the project.

Similarly, Mr. Grimson of the National Crime Agency of the British High Commission promised to partner with the Commission in the training of the personnel of the Nigeria Police.

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