Strike Action: NLC Minimum Wage Demand is Unrealistic – Labour Party

The Labour Party (LP) has hit out at the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and its affiliates following their decision to embark on a nationwide strike, saying their demand for N494,000 as minimum wage is unrealistic.

With the nationwide strike taking full effect on Monday, the Labour Party has called on the labour unions to re-negotiate with the government on a new minimum wage instead of embarking on the exercise.

“Our immediate reaction is that organised labour should not throw Nigerians into more hardship,” Ifoh said.

“Nigerians are already grappling with a lot of challenges and we do not need to exacerbate the situation.

“I think that the demand for N494,000 minimum wage is unrealistic. It is really unrealistic.

“It is a figure that cannot be sustained because it will imply that Nigeria will take all that money it has to pay the civil servants.”

According to Ifoh, organised labour should endeavour to keep engaging the Federal Government on a figure that would be acceptable to the two parties.

“Negotiation should continue until they get something better. Asking Nigerian workers to stay at home will affect everything, including the cost of living and Nigerians cannot afford that now,” the LP spokesman added.

“Negotiation is not a one-off thing. If the Federal Government is not willing to go above N60,000 minimum wage, I think that Organised Labour should work with what is available while it continues to negotiate.

“We know this government has not gotten it right. It is still trying to test the waters. Our party is against actions that could further cause hardship.”

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