Yobe: ISWAP Attack Customs Quarters, Kills Officer

Suspected member of the terrorist group, Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP) in Yobe attack customs quarters, kill officer. A tragic incident unfolded in Geidam town, Geidam Local Government Area of Yobe State, as suspected ISWAP insurgents launched an attack on a customs house, resulting in the unfortunate death of officer Usman Gombe.

The insurgents arrived at the customs house located along Maine Soroa road in a Volkswagen Golf and a Land Rover around 10 pm on Saturday, opening fire on the premises.

Witnesses reported that “the attackers timed their strike to ensure the customs officers had already left for the day. The relentless gunfire caused panic, with the officers desperately seeking safety. Some managed to escape through the gate, while others resorted to scaling the fence to evade the assailants”.

Tragically, Officer Usman Gombe was fatally shot while attempting to climb the fence, according to a security source. Furthermore, the attackers set fire to the customs patrol van, a generator, and part of the customs house building.

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