Nigerian Pilgrim Returns Lost $80,000 to Owner in Saudi Arabia

A Nigerian pilgrim from Zamfara State, Aishatu y’an Guru Nahuce has reportedly returned $80,000 she found to the owner in Saudi Arabia.

Independent Hajj Reporters of Nigeria disclosed this on its Facebook page on Saturday. The page also shared the picture of pilgrim who hails from from Bungudu Local Government Area of Zamfara.

The post with the caption: “This Nigerian pilgrim Hajiya Aishatu y’an Guru Nahuce from Bungudu LGA of Zamfara State found $80,000 (N56,000,000) and handed it over to the Zamfara Pilgrims Welfare Agency official for onward return to the owner. May Almighty Allah rewards her honesty and accept her Hajj. Amen.”

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