Monday Reflections: Basking in the Euphoria of Adelabu Nomination as Minister Designate || Aderemi Ogundele

The jubilations have continued in the land unabated, especially in Oyo State. Messages of congratulations keep pouring in from the low, the high and the mighty in the society. Nobody wants to be left behind from wishing the incoming Minister well in his new assignment. Friends, family and political associates have been showing unprecedented solidarity to one of their own. The Minister Designate has been adjudged by people of good conscience as one of the best brains that can represent Oyo State at this point in time. Nothing can be comparable to success, because it has a universal appeal.

The above is the summary of the story of the well wishers of Oloye Adebayo Adelabu Penkelemesi over his appointment by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to serve as a Cabinet Minister. When a perfect choice is made, it is difficult to rubbish it. Even the detractors can only labor in vain. It was like what the Psalmist said in the Book of Psalm 21:5, “You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies, you anoints my head with oil; my cup overflows”.

This takes me to his appearance at the Senate for screening. The show on the floor of the house laid credence to the fact that Oloye Adebayo Adelabu is not a misfit for the job. He is a round peg in a round hole, always loaded, intellectually mobile, and an encyclopedia of ideas. A Minister that will definitely add value to the government of PBAT.

Just one point made about his views on the multitude of structural deficiencies in the Central Bank of Nigeria was what the Senate required to give a nod to his nomination. In the course of answering a question put to him, he was promptly interjected by the Senate President, Senator Goodwill Akpabio. “Keep the rest to your chest for another day. Don’t say more than this for now”, remarked the Senate President. “Gbogbo aso ko la nsa loorun”. A banking guru, a reputable accountant and a seasoned administrator shone like a thousand stars at the Senate plenary.

The three Senators from Oyo State whose spokesperson at the time was Senator Abdulfattahi Buhari extolled the virtues of Oloye Adebayo Adelabu. They were proud to tell their colleagues in the Senate that Oyo State had presented a first class brain and a politician that is very close to the grassroots. They were confident to ask their colleagues to bombard the Oyo State “ambassador” with whatever questions that may be agitating their minds. “Bi Ogun eni ba daniloju, a fi gbari ni”. And the Bayo that I know did not let them down.

For those that are not comfortable with the choice of Oloye Adebayo Adelabu as ministerial nominee, my advice to them is that they should think Nigeria first. The country is in dire need of the best hands to salvage the current precarious socioeconomic mess. The country is bleeding. The economy is more or less in the Intensive Care Unit, barely surviving on oxygen. Any error committed at this point in time may spell doom for its survival. May the Almighty God forbid bad thing from happening to Nigeria.

Therefore, this appointment is not about politics but about governance. It is not about quota system but about excellence. And it is not about compensation but about ability to deliver. Compensation will definitely come to the way of those who deserve it. But no one will give out his kidneys as a compensation for tubers of yam. Therefore, in the interim, let us accept the status quo. Let us face the reality on ground and be happy with it. “Eni ba ma rire, a ba onire yo”

Chief Niyi Akintola (SAN) did not fail to educate the naysayers when he wrote: “After elections, it is time for governance. In appointing people into office, the President put many factors into consideration and these factors are best known to him. He has the yam and he has the knife. He cuts for whoever he wishes. He picks people of his choice not only on political grounds but also on technical and past relationships” With this coming from the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria, the man that is widely known for his bluntness has actually said it all. Any other addition to this is an unnecessary embellishment.

Love him or hate him, Oloye AbdulWaheed Adebayo Adelabu Penkelemesi remains a product of meritocracy. The difference is clear!!!

B. Aderemi Ogundele


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