Prince Adio Meets Adelabu in Office, Plans on Career Prospects Review in Power Sector Through Workshops, Seminars

Hon. Ashimiu Afeez Adio on Tuesday also met with the Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu to celebrate his inauguration into office and discuss the need to ensure youths in the power sector.

This was contained in the statement released by Prince Adio, he also stated their concordance to provide more awareness about the power industry, through workshops, seminars and creating platforms to engage the power sector’s significance and career prospects.

His statement reads “I was at the swearing-in of Honourable Minister of Power Oloye Adelabu Adebayo to celebrate with him, and we discussed a bit about the need to ensure youth involvement in the government and power sector.”

“We both agreed that it is important to provide them with opportunities for education and awareness about the industry. This can be achieved through workshops, seminars, and online platforms that inform and engage them about the power sector’s significance and potential career prospects.” He added.

“By implementing these strategies, young people can actively contribute to the growth and development of the power sector; ultimately benefiting the overall progress of our dear country”. Prince Adio concluded.

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