Plateau: 3 Division Nigerian Army Strengthen Ties with Nigeria Police, As New Commissioner of Police Visits GOC

The Commissioner Of Police, Plateau State command CP Okoro Julius Alawari has paid a courtesy call on the General Officer Commanding(GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army(NA) and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), Major General AE Abubakar in his office at Headquarters 3 Division, Maxwell Khobe Cantonment, Jos to seek for more collaboration with the NA towards ensuring a peaceful and crime-free Plateau State.

The Commissioner who recently assumed duty disclosed that the visit was necessary to familiarise himself with other security agencies and also seek for strengthened synergy, which he said was critical to mitigating crime and ensuring stability on the Plateau. Such a visit he averred will further encourage, boost intelligence and information sharing among security agencies.

The Police Chief applauded the GOC/Commander OPSH for his efforts and giant strides in restoring law and order in troubled areas of the State. He enjoined the GOC/Commander OPSH to sustain and strengthen the security architecture put in place so that the peace achieved would be sustained.

Responding, the GOC/ Commander OPSH, Major General AE Abubakar noted the significance of synergy between security agencies especially, in the fight against criminalities in some volatile areas of the State. He remarked that, the mandate of the leadership of the Chief Of Defence Staff Gen CG Musa & the Chief Of Army Staff Lt Gen TA Lagbaja clearly emphasizes the significance of jointness and intelligence sharing in the defence of Nigeria. “The need for all security agencies to come together in unison and fight criminality with one voice cannot be overemphasized,” He noted.

While commending the contributions of the police contingent in Operation SAFE HAVEN, Major General Abubakar noted the significance of stakeholders engagement and advocacy at the grassroot levels to end violence and restore stability in the State. He assured the Commissioner of Police of his resolve to strengthen the existing relationship between the Military and the Police on the Plateau.

In a similar development, the GOC/Commander OPSH also played host to Bache Cultural Development Association, Bassa Plateau State and commended the group for its hospitality and respect for constituted authority. He further urged the association to always preach peaceful coexistence to its members and encourage the youths to engage in skillful ventures devoid of social vices.

Earlier in his remarks, the National President Bache Development Association, Mr Jacob Agal commended Major General Abubakar for his leadership style of responding swiftly to the yearnings of the people, especially areas engulfed with security breaches.

Highlights of the visit were the signing of the visitor’s book, presentation of plaques and group photographs

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